Saturday March 17th

Digital Screens - h 4:00 pm - Sala Deluxe
Stava 19 Luglio, the reconstruction of a catastrophe:
new technologies for television

Digital Screens - h 5:00 pm - Sala Deluxe
Proxima: from Maradona to the digital monster

Digital Screens - h 6:00 pm - Sala Deluxe
ZERO: an inquiry film on 9-11th

Digital Stages - h 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Sala Kodak
Dance and new technologies: creativity and interactivity in the era of the digital choreographer

Digital Screens - h 7:00 pm- Sala Deluxe
Dark Resurrection, digital science fiction

Digital Screens - h 7:30 pm - Sala Deluxe
Luce nel pomeriggio
by Teresio Spalla

Digital Screens
- h 7:45 pm - Sala Deluxe
by Patrizio Cigliano

Digital Screens - h 8:00 pm - Sala Deluxe
Il sogno sopra il tempo
by Caterina Genta and Marco Schiavoni

Digital Screens - h 9:00 pm - Sala Deluxe

Digital Screens - h 10:00 - Sala Deluxe
The Silver Rope, discovering the soul