Una presentazione dell’ultima edizione (svoltasi in ottobre) del Sitges – Festival Internazionale del Cinema della Catalogna, il primo festival mondiale sul cinema fantastico, nato nel 1968 e giunto quest’anno alla sua 41a edizione.

    Una vetrina, quella sul festival catalano, realizzata in collaborazione con il Cyborg Film Festival diretto da Luisella Chiribini.    

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International Film Festival of Catalonia

SITGES International Film Festival of Catalonia is the number one fantasy film festival in the world and represents, at the same time, the cultural expression with the most media impact in Catalonia. With a solid experience, the Sitges Festival is a stimulating universe of encounters, exhibitions, presentations and screenings of fantasy films from all over the world.

Born in 1968 as the 1st International Week of Fantasy and Horror Movies, today the Festival is an essential rendezvous for movie lovers and audiences eager to come into contact with new tendencies and technologies applied to film and the audiovisual world.